
Interested in lending your voice to our project...?

We are looking for lifelong New Orleanians to tell us about language, culture, and traditions in the city. We hope to get diverse and insightful perspectives from people who know this city best. As part of a joint research project conducted by Tulane and Virginia Tech professors, we do 1-2 hour audiorecorded interviews with people born & raised in New Orleans, asking about local traditions you participate in and your view on what it means to be a New Orleanian.

Join the krewe representing the 504 in our study!

COVID safety statement: Your comfort & safety matters to us! While we need you to be unmasked for the interviews so we can hear your voice shine through, we are happy to conduct interviews outdoors, have the interviewer mask, present our vaccination cards, present a negative COVID test beforehand, and/or take any other steps that make you feel safe! Just let us know in advance of your interview.

Questions or concerns about our study?

You can contact the Virginia Tech Institutional Review Board at or (540)231-3732

VT IRB Protocol 16-065