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504 voices
Tell me you're from New Orleans
Ain't dere no more
How do you say New Orleans
We Are New Orleans
Dialects in the Classroom
In This Guide
Research on dialects and reading
Overview of modules
Module 1: Celebrating Variation
Key concepts
Varieties of English
Understanding non-standard dialects
Further reading
Module 2: All Languages Change
Observing change
Further reading module 2
Module 3: A history of writing and the role dialect plays in reading
Different writing systems
Evolution of English writing
Activities module 3
Further reading module 3
Module 4: Dialects in New Orleans
Encoding and decoding words
Comprehension and encoding sentences
Lexical items
Activities module 4
Further reading module 4
Module 5: The New Orleans Classroom
Charter Schools
Four Cornerstones of Teaching
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Five pillars of reading instruction
Teaching the five pillars
Applying CRP in the N.O. classroom
Further reading module 5
The project
How New Orleans are you?
In Your Words...
In the news
504 voices
Tell me you're from New Orleans
Ain't dere no more
How do you say New Orleans
We Are New Orleans
Dialects in the Classroom
In This Guide
Research on dialects and reading
Overview of modules
Module 1: Celebrating Variation
Key concepts
Varieties of English
Understanding non-standard dialects
Further reading
Module 2: All Languages Change
Observing change
Further reading module 2
Module 3: A history of writing and the role dialect plays in reading
Different writing systems
Evolution of English writing
Activities module 3
Further reading module 3
Module 4: Dialects in New Orleans
Encoding and decoding words
Comprehension and encoding sentences
Lexical items
Activities module 4
Further reading module 4
Module 5: The New Orleans Classroom
Charter Schools
Four Cornerstones of Teaching
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Five pillars of reading instruction
Teaching the five pillars
Applying CRP in the N.O. classroom
Further reading module 5
The project
How New Orleans are you?
In Your Words...
In the news
Tell me you're from New Orleans
Ain't dere no more
How do you say New Orleans
We Are New Orleans
Dialects in the Classroom
In This Guide
Research on dialects and reading
Overview of modules
Module 1: Celebrating Variation
Key concepts
Varieties of English
Understanding non-standard dialects
Further reading
Module 2: All Languages Change
Observing change
Further reading module 2
Module 3: A history of writing and the role dialect plays in reading
Different writing systems
Evolution of English writing
Activities module 3
Further reading module 3
Module 4: Dialects in New Orleans
Encoding and decoding words
Comprehension and encoding sentences
Lexical items
Activities module 4
Further reading module 4
Module 5: The New Orleans Classroom
Charter Schools
Four Cornerstones of Teaching
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Five pillars of reading instruction
Teaching the five pillars
Applying CRP in the N.O. classroom
Further reading module 5
The project
How New Orleans are you?
In Your Words...
In the news
Tell me you're from New Orleans
without telling me you're from New Orleans
Tell us what you think!
Participate in the project
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