Dialects in the Classroom

Further reading

Alvarez, Louis & Andrew Kolker. 1985. Yeah you rite! Video recording. Center for New American Media.

A dated but evergreen documentary on New Orleans accents across the city, according to neighborhood and ethnicity, providing some context for the different forms of language that one may encounter in the city.

Interview with Anne Charity Hudley on The Ling Space.

Anne Charity Hudley is a trailblazer in communicating the insights from the field of linguistics into K-12 classrooms (and beyond), especially considering the role of regional and ethnic dialectal variation on student and teacher success. This interview offers space for her to discuss her ideologies and roles as a linguist-educator, and the ramifications of this important work.

Anne Charity Hudley & Christine Mallinson. 2011. Understanding English Language Variation in US Schools.

Teacher-oriented text with insightful stories and activities to think through the ways linguistic variation may come into play in K-12 classrooms.

Lisa J. Green. 2002. African American English: A Linguistic Introduction.

 This volume provides a thorough description of African American English, making occasional references to New Orleans African American English specifically.